Sunday 30 April 2017

Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated.

10 rules for living a life void of regret.

1. Never give up when you truly believe. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.
2. Never laugh at someone's dream. It may leave them despaired. And when you have your dream someone will do the same to you. Remember life is a farm land. What you sow you reap.
3. Find a job you like and you add 5 days to every week. Do something you love doing and not what you have to do. When you choose a job you love doing it makes work easy. and it will help in maximizing your time and days.
4. Every so often, let your spirit of adventure triumph over your good sense: unless you make mistakes you are never gonna learn new things. So take risk and see the worst that will happen. You may make mistakes but in your mistakes you might find a foundation of starting something great.
5. Be the first to greet: try to make everyone you know and meet feel they are important to You. It might be of help a day.
6. Give people second chance but not third: yeah be good enough to forgive and give chance again when they miss it the first time. But never be stupid to give third chance. Yes forgive people as many times as possible. But never give chance as many times as possible. it makes you look foolish.
7. Win without boasting and lose without excuse: this is will make you wonderful to work with. Boasting when you win brings pride. While giving excuses when you fail brings irresponsibility. It's possible others have contributed in the success achieved directly or indirectly, so don't be too selfish to boast about it and take all the credits.Taking responsibility in failure and releasing praise in wining makes partnering with you interesting and enjoyable. Success is sweet when you can share with many others.
8. It's not your job to make people like you; it's your job to like people: youare in charge of your emotions, don't care about the bag of garbages people move around with. Just choose whether you want it dumped on you or you flee from it. Like people but don't expect them to like you in return. You are not in control of others feelings, leave others feelings to the others.
9. Fight fairly, give generously, laugh loudly and love deeply: do things in a manner in which you can defend it. And give your best into whatever you wanna do or don't do it at all.
10. Become someone's hero: in your journey to success yeah it's sure you once looked up to someone, someone truly would have inspired you, also try to be a mentor to someone in life. And when this happens consider it a privilege and never brag about it, try to be part of somebody else's success.

🔊 *the resonant voice inc.*

Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated.


There are 2 things I have found impossible not to do in life.

1) It is impossible not to take RISKS.

2) It is impossible not to suffer LOSSES.

See, humans are hard-wired to take risks & suffer losses daily (it is impossible not to do it daily).

Sleeping is a risk, you may not wake up.

Travelling is a risk, there may be an accident.

Marrying is a risk, you could get divorced.

Academic Education is a risk, you may not graduate.

Going for a job interview is a risk, you may be rejected.

Taking a job is a risk, you may be sacked.

Being in a relationship is a risk, you may get heartbroken.

But all these are risks we take often without even thinking about them...

Let me ask You...

How come when it comes to investing Money, taking a risk suddenly becomes a problem?

Let me talk on Loss...

Liability means anything taking Money from You, no matter how important it is.

Buying food, paying for DSTV subscription, buying clothes & gadgets, buying cars, hosting & attending a party, going for a vacation, seeing a movie etc

Those are all loses because they take Money out of your pocket...

You may argue that you derive value from such loses & I agree with You.

But what you may have failed to understand is that, when you invest & fail, you also derive the value of EXPERIENCE.

No matter how it turned out, you never lose when you invest.

If your investment turns out right, you have gained Money & if it turned out wrong, you have gained experience.

You can't have any of these 2 (Money and/or Experience) if you don't take the risk of investing.

Break the shackles of fear today & make that investment.

Heck, if you invest & lose, you may be poor but if you don't invest, you MUST be poor.

Your family depend on you, don't fail them.

May your family not depend on another man who took the bold step to do what you were not willing to do in Jesus Name.

But it goes beyond saying AMEN, You must take ACTION, be tired of mediocrity... Do something drastic, what doesn't kill you will only make You stronger.

Remember, You are MADE FOR MORE; You are MORE THAN THIS.
Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated.

*Late Dr Myles Munroe; a man of wisdom*  was quoted as saying:

I was born poor, sleeping on the floor with cockroaches and rats. Today, I own my own jet. Everything I have is paid for. I am debt free; I open new businesses every year and mentor many people,”

Myles Munroe strongly discouraged the reliance on Government for jobs, describing it as ‘lazy thinking.’“There is no such thing as unemployment in the world. What you call unemployment is what I call lazy thinking,” he says.“The work of government is not to create jobs, but to create an environment for people to develop their own work,” he asserts.

Munroe discourages employed professionals against relying solely on their jobs for income, urging them to instead create wealth using their unique talents. He also challenges aspiring entrepreneurs to develop and refine their expertise in a talent, idea, service or body of
knowledge.When you refine your gift in an area, you become valuable; people seek you out and pay you,

Munroe said setting principles is the first step towards achieving success for any budding entrepreneur. “I will never be poor again because I have learnt the principles of business,” he asserts.“I can say without a doubt that what I have accomplished is based on principles passed on to me by my parents. You should never build your life on facts or techniques because these often become obsolete,” he cautions.“For you to survive today, you must accept the reality of partnerships. If someone emerges as my competition today, I am not supposed to kill them, but marry them,” he states.“Do not curse a crisis; use it. Every business is a solution to a crisis. Develop the capacity to solve a problem and you will become a successful entrepreneur.”


1. Understand crisis and use it to solve a problem. Every business is a response to a problem.
2. Initiate something; do not wait for things to be done.
3. Identify and refine your talent, skill, idea, service or knowledge to create wealth.
4. Whatever makes you angry, you must solve it.
5. Poverty is not the  lack of money, but the lack of ideas.
6. God does not give cash, but ideas on how to create wealth.
7. Be in control of your mind, thoughts,  perception and mentality to respond to change.
8. Be keen and take advantage of changes brought about by technology and globalisation.
9. Leave your legacy, but in the people you train, not in products or buildings.
10. Every human being was born with a treasure. Your greatest secret to success lies in discovering your treasure.

*Secure your future, stop blaming every sitting president or Government of your country for your destiny*
Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated.

*When making life’s important choices,* a person’s actions rely upon their judgment: the internal compass formed by their knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Judgement works like a muscle that must be exercised with endless curiosity and a desire to understand this universe’s deepest mysteries.
Many seek a reward before they have prepared to receive it. A gambler can suddenly obtain a fortune but lose it all because he did not have the knowledge of how to save it. An artist can become an overnight superstar but find herself trapped in scandals because she did not take the time to gain experience while she was still unknown. A president can gain the highest power but find that the pyramid’s top is a lonely place if he lacks the wisdom to choose honest advisors.

If you seek greatness, is it not better to spend your time preparing for it instead of simply thinking of how much you deserve it? If you cannot learn to manage your life with a little, how can you expect to manage it with a lot? Spend every waking hour in pursuit of your goals and every minute between in search of the knowledge you will need when you finally reach them.

*The Resonant Voices*
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Wealth and success never come
to those who simply wait for them to arrive.

Some humans choose to be sheep. They desire freedom but rely on others to provide their comforts, striving for riches but investing little effort to attain it. They scream in protest when they are fenced in and herded — angry that they are not free like the lions — but accept the shepherd’s food nonetheless. Though they rebel by day, they always wander home to their cages by night.
president The resonant voices
Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated.



Success is about setting goals and achieving them. Such goals include losing weight, learning how to play an instrument, making profit in a business, and being the best in certain career among others. The secret of success, as many people will agree, is hard work.
Evidently, successful people are admired in the society. In many instances, they make headlines in the mainstream media. However, such people are not many in the society. Many people still struggle to achieve their goals in life. Others give up, all together, when they attempt without success to achieve their goals. Simply, many people are unable or unwilling to engage in hard work for them to be successful.
Is It Hard Work Or Smart Work?
Some individuals argue that an individual needs to be smart- and not hard working, for them to be successful. However, successful people narrate of instances when they did not want to pursue certain projects but pushed themselves to achieve their goals anyway. As a result, they were able to stand out amongst the crowd. Therefore, it is hard work, and not smart work that breeds success. In any case, most of the hard working and successful people are very smart.
Notably, many people give up when they do not feel like pursuing their goals or when they experience setbacks at the initial stages of a project. For instance, many people trying to lose weight may not see the results within the first few weeks of rigorous exercise and dieting. At this stage, unsuccessful people will give up. On the other hand, hardworking people try to find ways of solving some of the setbacks- instead of giving up. More so, they put in more effort even when they realize that have slim chances of winning.
Life Is Tough
Hard work and success go hand in hand because life is designed to be tough. Nothing is offered on a silver platter; which means that people have to keep trying to succeed. In actual sense, there are so many challenges in life that only hardworking people can overcome them. This explains why there are very few successful people in the world today.
Some of the things that one must do for them to be successful include going through the planning process and doing some training and research. One must also have the right attitude or mindset about their goals. Unless you work hard, it is impossible for one to engage in such things. If anything, many people would rather give up than try. Precisely, hard work is a necessity for an individual to be successful in life.

🔊 *The Resonant Voices*

Thursday 6 April 2017

It's here again!!!.

Our father night 2017

Theme: spirit of God.

Ministering: Tosin bee, Igwekenny, mike akingbala, Busayo sax, omolayo of project fame, Gbenro PJ,  master piece Choir, Anointed  dominion choir, liberty voices.

Venue: liberty evangelical church
 3, yisa close, off olorunishola, arowojobe, Oshodi Lagos.

Time: 8pm
Date: 19th may 2017.

For enquires and sponsorship call:
Father son : 08098595977, 08023174524


Marvel saint: 08179756590

Our father night
Wonders of worship
Powered by : liberty voices

Don't miss it

Monday 3 April 2017

Self confidence by SAP

Read the latest from SAP today. Stay inspired and motivated. 

 Self confidence.☺    

           The Dictionary defines confidence as freedom of doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities. Many people lack the self-confidence and self-esteem needed to live a happy and healthy life. Self-esteem is a confidence and satisfaction in oneself. These two things must be present in people’s daily lives in order for them to believe that they have the ability to do anything. At this point in my life I am trying to gain the esteem I need to truly be happy. The best way to gain self-confidence is to look deep inside of yourself and believe that you have the ability to overcome all obstacles and challenges that you are faced with, on a daily bases, because our self-esteem is one of the few things that we have control over. Self-confidence is something that cannot be taught. It is up to the individual to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe in myself before others will believe in me. Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we develop mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically. When you get to the point where you allow others to dictate how you feel about life, you have to stop and take an internal survey. Ask yourself if your lack of self-confidence and self-assurance is holding you back from being the best that you can possibility be. Most often these feelings come from people allowing the negativity of other people to overcome them. You have to be willing to take control of your life and whatever is holding you back. So often we, as a people, look for the validation from society before we validate ourselves. I have allowed society to determine how I should look, dress and feel. It is time for me to take a stand and be in control of my own destiny. It is often said that, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. What is beautiful to one person may not be as radiant to another. So who you are is not who others says you are rather who you truly believe you are.